Over the years we have had several different phone numbers for getting to our Technical Support Team, the current number is +1-253-201-2918.
When you call this number our system will first request the brand of operator that you are working on.
- Press 2 for Nice Branded Products (including Apollo)
- Press 3 for HySecurity Branded Products
- If you are unsure Press 1 and leave us a message
This is important information for us because it allows us to route your call to the Technical Support Engineer that is most familiar with the product you are working on. If this selection is made incorrectly you may be placed back into the correct queue and will have to wait again for a support engineer.
After you have made your initial selection, if it is within business hours and we have Technical Support Engineers available you will be placed in queue for live technical support. If we are not available you will be asked to leave us a message. The message will be routed to a Support Engineer that is familiar with the brand of product you selected.
While you are waiting in the live queue you have 3 options.
- Wait on hold until we have someone available to help you. Calls are taken in the order in which they are received. During times of high call volumes this wait may be increased, but the average wait time in our queues is less than 5 minutes.
- Press 1 to leave us a message, we will call you back when someone is available to help. We try to call all voicemails back within 24 hours.
- Press 2 to request that we call back when your queue position has been reached. Our system will dial your phone number and connect you with a Support Engineer.