Replacement Part: 12v motor (part number: A2014)
Tools: 3/16 hex key, wire strippers, 2x wire crimp connectors, socket wrench and 3/8 socket
- Loosen strain relief nut on the back of motor housing
- Remove 6 screws on the rear housing (Use a 3/16 Allen key)
- Take off rear housing enough to expose the 12v motor
- Take the Nice logo cover off under the cover tube on the motor housing
- Remove both the nuts on the front of the operator under cover tube (Use a 3/8 socket)
- Cut red and black wires coming from the motor
- Remove the bad motor
- Put in the new motor and rewire it according to the wiring diagram below (Use crimp connectors)
- Tighten back into place the two nuts under the cover tube and snap the Nice logo back over top.
- Clean silicon off the rear housing, apply a new bead of silicon
- Put it all back together, making sure to tighten the strain relief